
This study addresses the aspects that permeate the professional activity of police officers,under the concepts of “solidarity” by Durkheim and “shadow” by Jung. Methodologically, itis a bibliographic review research. We explored approaches to the unpopularity of internalaffairs and the conceptual dynamics that involve police activity. The initial results statethat internal affairs is understood as a repressive unit of illegal acts produced by publicofficials, which carries unpopularity as an intrinsic characteristic and figures as a contemporary sociological phenomenon. In this perspective, it is identified that the criticallooks cast on internal affairs come from those investigated and from a large part of thepolice force, who register their negative personal feeling in relation to the componentsof the supervisory body. Suffering in police work, characterized by the constant demandfor heroic combat against the ills of society, unites the individuals of the organization ina peculiar way. Determining and punishing deviations are essential tasks for the stabilityof the State in its functional exercise. The State must purge conduct that is inconsistentwith its main objective: to act in reason and for society, through the use of due legal processes, corollaries of the democratic system. It is concluded that the approaches raised donot exhaust the theme and, therefore, “solidarity” and the projection of “shadow” are notthe only sociological events responsible for the unpopularity of internal affairs.

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