
The objective of the text is to present and discuss de implementation process of the technical courses integrated to secondary school in the Curitiba Campus of the Institute. The intention was to verify if the formative orientation which was materialized in the technical courses integrated to secondary school by the institution were compatible with the education conception on which was based the official proposal of the integration between the secondary school courses and the technical ones. Two investigation procedures were adopted: the examination of institutional documents and the conduction of interviews. The document and the interviews analyses revealed the existence of dubious positioning related to the theoretical and philosophical lines concerning to the configuration and to the development of the integrated courses. Such dubiety, and the difficulties encountered in the development of integration activities allow the conclusion that the formative orientation adopted by the institution tended to depart, in several respects, from the theoretical, the philosophical and the epistemological aspects of omnilateral and polytechnical formation which constitutes the foundation of the integration between the high school and the vocational education.

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