
In the Prologue to his Livro de Linhagens, Count Pedro de Barcelos both emulates and subverts his great grandfather’s legal codes (mainly Partida IV), in order to create an ethosfor the Iberian aristocracy. This ethosis based on the convergence between natura(the divinely established order of the world), lineage and blood kinship, which, in the Count’s Aristotelian grounded view, leads to a widely spread friendship/solidarity that has a pacifying effect on social tensions. It is a kind of friendship ontologically linked with God and the Creation, pre-existing to the instituted relations of domination, and capable of substituting them advantageously as a mechanism of social regulation. According to Pedro de Barcelos’ argument, the ancient aristocratic practices emerging from this friendship perform as a kind of embryonic habituswhose preservation is linked to the survival of the Iberian aristocracy as a social group endowed with a specific legitimising symbolic capital.

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