
Mimicry is one of the oldest concepts in biology, but it still presents many puzzles and continues to be widely debated. Simulation of wasps with a yellow‐black abdominal pattern by other insects (commonly called “wasp mimicry”) is traditionally considered a case of resemblance of unprofitable by profitable prey causing educated predators to avoid models and mimics to the advantage of both (Figure 1a). However, as wasps themselves are predators of insects, wasp mimicry can also be seen as a case of resemblance to one's own potential antagonist. We here propose an additional hypothesis to Batesian and Müllerian mimicry (both typically involving selection by learning vertebrate predators; cf. Table 1) that reflects another possible scenario for the evolution of multifold and in particular very accurate resemblances to wasps: an innate, visual inhibition of aggression among look‐alike wasps, based on their social organization and high abundance. We argue that wasp species resembling each other need not only be Müllerian mutualists and that other insects resembling wasps need not only be Batesian mimics, but an innate ability of wasps to recognize each other during hunting is the driver in the evolution of a distinct kind of masquerade, in which model, mimic, and selecting agent belong to one or several species (Figure 1b). Wasp mimics resemble wasps not (only) to be mistaken by educated predators but rather, or in addition, to escape attack from their wasp models. Within a given ecosystem, there will be selection pressures leading to masquerade driven by wasps and/or to mimicry driven by other predators that have to learn to avoid them. Different pressures by guilds of these two types of selective agents could explain the widely differing fidelity with respect to the models in assemblages of yellow jackets and yellow jacket look‐alikes.


  • But the most specia ized predators Many co occurring we defended species of wasps c ose y resemb e one another and the respec ve species are considered to gain from mutua is c M erian mimicry

  • Diptera exhibi ng simi ar y accurate resemb ance to the wasps We found ye ow jacket wasps natura y and experimenta y preda ng various moths but never ye ow jackets or accurate wasp moths

  • A so some wasp moths as arvae seem to sequester defensive chemi ca s from hostp ants Boppr unpub Whi e this news is very re evant for the c assica interpreta on of arc ine resemb ance to wasps as it afects important ques ons for examp e on the in equa ity of defense in mimicry M erian Batesian or quasi Batesian mimicry

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Heiker nger

| DIVERSE FIDELITY OF SIMULATED FEATURES POSES QUESTIONS resemb ance As Chitka and Osorio point out the cogni ve dimensions of predator responses are crucia but we irst need to estab ish which are the predators In other words Who are the se ec ng agents the drivers

Pfennig Kikuchi
Zo nerowich
Pereira Pirk
In para e there are lies

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