
A 25- year-old systemically healthy female patient reported with an aesthetic complaint due to a growth in the corner of right upper lip present for 2 months. Clinical examination revealed a solitary spherical-shaped bright red fibrous overgrowth measuring 4x4 mm involving the mucocutaneous line of upper lip (Figure 1A & B). On palpation, it was non tender, smooth in texture, and soft in consistency. Based on the signs and symptoms, a provisional diagnosis of fibroma was made with a differential diagnosis of pyogenic granuloma. After obtaining written informed consent, the lesion was excised in totowith 1 mm of healthy margin by performing two elliptical incisions (Figure 1C). The biopsied tissue was fixed in 10% formalin and sent for histopathological examination. Double-layered microsurgical suturing was done with 7-0 polyglactin suture (Figure 1D) followed by superficial suturing of the wound margins (Figure 1E). Postoperative instructions were given and analgesics were prescribed, as and when required. Healing was uneventful and sutures were removed at 10 days follow-up (Figure 1F). A good cosmetic outcome and high patient satisfaction was achieved at 3 months (Figure 1G & H).

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