
This study investigates the no-wait flow shop scheduling problem and proposes a hybrid (HES-IG) algorithm that utilizes makespan as the objective function. To address the complexity of this NP-hard problem, the HES-IG algorithm combines evolution strategies (ES) and iterated greedy (IG) algorithm, as hybridizing algorithms helps different algorithms mitigate their weaknesses and leverage their respective strengths. The ES algorithm begins with a random initial solution and uses an insertion mutation to optimize the solution. Reproduction is carried out using (1 + 5)-ES, generating five offspring from one parent randomly. The selection process employs (µ + λ)-ES, allowing excellent parent solutions to survive multiple generations until a better offspring surpasses them. The IG algorithm’s straightforward search mechanism aids in further improving the solution and avoiding local minima. The destruction operator randomly removes d-jobs, which are then inserted one by one using a construction operator. The local search operator employs a single insertion approach, while the acceptance–rejection criteria are based on a constant temperature. Parameters of both ES and IG algorithms are calibrated using the Multifactor analysis of variance technique. The performance of the HES-IG algorithm is calibrated with other algorithms using the Wilcoxon signed test. The HES-IG algorithm is tested on 21 Nos. Reeves and 30 Nos. Taillard benchmark problems. The HES-IG algorithm has found 15 lower bound values for Reeves benchmark problems. Similarly, the HES-IG algorithm has found 30 lower bound values for the Taillard benchmark problems. Computational results indicate that the HES-IG algorithm outperforms other available techniques in the literature for all problem sizes.

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