
Modifying the existing models of classifiers’ operation is primarily aimed at increasing the effectiveness as well as minimizing the training time. An additional advantage is the ability to quickly implement a given solution to the real needs of the market. In this paper, we propose a method that can implement various classifiers using the federated learning concept and taking into account parallelism. Also, an important element is the analysis and selection of the best classifier depending on its reliability found for separated datasets extended by new, augmented samples. The proposed augmentation technique involves image processing techniques, neural architectures, and heuristic methods and improves the operation in federated learning by increasing the role of the server. The proposition has been presented and tested for the fruit image classification problem. The conducted experiments have shown that the described technique can be very useful as an implementation method even in the case of a small database. Obtained results are discussed concerning the advantages and disadvantages in the context of practical application like higher accuracy.

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