
The Euclidean geometry (EG) based low-density parity check (LDPC) codes are enciphered and deciphered in various modes. These algorithms have the back-and-forth between decoding delay, and power usage, device unpredictability resources, and error rate efficacy are all available with these methods. As a result, the goal of this paper is to develop a comprehensive method to describe both soft and burst error bits for optimal data transfer. As a result, for EG-LDPC codes, a hybrid soft bit flipping (HSBF) decoder is suggested, which decreases decoding complications while improving message data transfer. A simulation model is formed using Xilinx synthesis report to study decoding latency, hardware usage, and power usage. A HSBF decoder is used in this paper, which accepts a 64-bit coding sequence and assigns 64 Adjustable nodes to it. It checks all customizable cluster connections and quantifies adjustable node values and actions. As a consequence of the data collected, our simulation model demonstrates that the HSBF technique outperforms soft bit flipping (SBF) algorithms. As a result, the techniques are ideal for usage in intermediate applications and as well as in cyber security processing technologies, medical applications.

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