
In this paper, a hybrid model using modular neural networks and fuzzy logic was designed to provide the hypertension risk diagnosis of a person. This model considers age, risk factors and behavior of the blood pressure in a period of 24 h, using as a basis the Framingham Heart Study.Records of blood pressure are collected with the ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), a device which takes readings for a period of time of 24 h. A modular neural network was designed, with three modules, of which the first and second modules correspond to the systolic and diastolic pressures and the last one to the heart rate. Each module is trained with the data obtained by the ABPM of different patients, this in order that the neural network learns the different behaviors that the blood pressure may have. Also, different architectures and learning methods are considered to obtain the best possible architecture. In addition, two fuzzy inference systems (FISs) for classification purpose are proposed, the first one for the heart rate level and the second one for the night profile of the patient. These were tested with different types of membership functions and then selecting the FIS that obtained the best results. Furthermore, a third FIS as a blood pressure classifier is also used.The different proposed methodologies were tested, in the case of the modular neural network to find the architecture that produces better results and in the fuzzy inference systems to find which membership functions were the ideal ones for the case study, in this way obtaining overall good results. For the case of the modular neural network, the learning accuracy in the first module is 98%, in the second module is 97.62% and the third module is 97.83% respectively. For the night profile, the fuzzy system is compared to a traditional system of production rules, and it is noted that the first one gives all correct outputs and the second one just gives 53% of the outputs, this is due to the uncertainty handling that fuzzy systems can provide, which the traditional system cannot because its rules are very strict.Hybrid intelligent systems for the solution of this kind of complex problems have excellent performance, due to the good learning in each module of the neural network and the classification uncertainty that is well managed by the fuzzy systems, obtaining with this a hybrid combination for achieving good results.

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