
A no-wait job shop (NWJS) describes a situation where every job has its own processing sequence with the constraint that no waiting time is allowed between operations within any job. A NWJS problem with the objective of minimizing total completion time is a NP-hard problem and this paper proposes a hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) to solve this complex problem. A genetic operation is defined by cutting out a section of genes from a chromosome and treated as a subproblem. This subproblem is then transformed into an asymmetric traveling salesman problem (ATSP) and solved with a heuristic algorithm. Subsequently, this section with new sequence is put back to replace the original section of chromosome. The incorporation of this problem-specific genetic operator is responsible for the hybrid adjective. By doing so, the course of the search of the proposed genetic algorithm is set to more profitable regions in the solution space. The experimental results show that this hybrid genetic algorithm can accelerate the convergence and improve solution quality as well.

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