
A new fourth order highly efficient Exponential Time Differencing Runge-Kutta type hybrid time stepping method is developed by hybriding two fourth order methods. The new hybrid method takes advantages of a positivity preserving L-stable method to damp unnatural oscillations due to low regularity of the initial data and of a computationally efficient A-stable method to achieve optimal order convergence. Computational efficiency and stability of the new method is further enhanced by applying a splitting technique which makes it possible to implement the method on parallel processors. A hybriding criteria is presented and an algorithm based on the hybrid method is developed. The method is implemented to solve two two-dimensional problems having Riesz space distributed order diffusion and nonlinear reaction terms, an Allen-Cahn equation with a cubic nonlinearity and an Enzyme Kinetics equation with a rational nonlinearity. Fourth-order temporal convergence is obtained through numerical experiments. A third test problem with exact solution available is also considered and both spatial as well as temporal orders of convergence are computed. High computational efficiency of the method is shown by recording the CPU time. Numerical solutions using different order strength distribution functions are also presented.

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