
A single-copy 13.7 kb human DNA region (L30E) located on Ch. 19 p13.3 contains an origin of DNA replication in myeloid HL-60 cells. The origin was localized, by means of quantitative PCR within approximately 3000 bp, in a highly transcribed region containing at least two closely spaced genes with the same polarity of transcription, one encoding lamin B2 and the other an unidentified protein. The origin region overlaps an undermethylated "CpG island" at the 5'-end of the second transcription unit. A binding site (CACGTG) for basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA binding proteins such as USF/MLTF or MYC-MAX was located by DNase I footprinting analysis in the promoter of the second gene. DMSO differentiation of HL-60 cells, that completely shuts off replication, also drastically reduces the transcription of L30E region. On the other hand such treatment does not modify the methylation pattern of the CpG island and does not abolish the DNase I protection of the bHLH binding site.

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