
Benign cystic ovarian teratoma is the most common ovarian neoplasm accounting for 10-25% of ovarian tumors.They affect women of all age and particularly women of reproductive age group.They may present with a variety of symptoms ranging from being asymptomatic to pain abdomen, dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, anorexia, loss of weight and shortness of breath. The complications associated with benign cystic teratoma are torsion (16%), malignant degeneration (2%), rupture (1-2%), and infection (1%). Its spontaneous or iatrogenic intraperitoneal rupture is associated with chemical peritonitis. A dermoid cyst has been associated with thrombocytosis in 30% of the cases.Hereby we present a case of huge ovarian dermoid cyst associated with thrombocytosis and spontaneous preoperative rupture with chemical peritonitis.

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