
Several ciliated protists form symbiotic associations with a diversity of microorganisms, leading to drastic impact on their ecology and evolution. In this work, two Euplotes spp. sampled in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were identified based on morphological and molecular features as Euplotes woodruffi strain Sq1 and E. encysticus strain Sq2 and investigated for the presence of endosymbionts. While E. woodruffi Sq1 stably hosts two bacterial populations, namely Polynucleobacter necessarius (Betaproteobacteria) and a new member of the family "Candidatus Midichloriaceae" (Alphaproteobacteria, Rickettsiales), here described as "Candidatus Bandiella woodruffii," branching with a broad host range bacterial group found in association with cnidarians, sponges, euglenoids, and some arthropods; in E. encysticus Sq2 no symbiotic bacterium could be detected. The dispersion ability of this novel bacterium was tested by co-incubating E. woodruffi Sq1 with three different ciliate species. Among the tested strains "Ca. B. woodruffii" could only be detected in association with E. encysticus Sq2 with a prevalence of 20 % after 1 week and 40 % after 2 weeks, maintaining this level for up to 6 months. Nevertheless, this apparent in vitro association was abolished when E. woodruffi Sq1 donor was removed from the microcosm, suggesting that this bacterium has the capacity for at least a short-term survival outside its natural host and the aptitude to ephemerally interact with other organisms. Together, these findings strongly suggest the need for more detailed investigations to evaluate the host range for "Ca. B. woodruffii" and any possible pathogenic effect of this bacterium on other organisms including humans.

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