
A linear discharge plasma is studied which is produced by means of an electrolytic condenser bank of a large capacity (1.1×104-1.3×105 µF) and of a low working voltage (500V). The discharge current is non-oscillatory. The maximum values of the discharge current, the duration of discharge and the rate of increase of the discharge current are 100kA, 4.5 ms and 109 A/s respectively. Observation by means of search coils and a magnetic probe reveals that the plasma is helical, the helix rotating and expanding, finally to touch the inside wall of the tube. The effect of the axial magnetic field on the discharge current is studied. The electron density ne and the electron temperature Te (in terms of eV) as estimated by microwave measurement and spectroscopic observation are L: ne (microw.)>1012 electrons/cm3, ne (spectr.) 1015 electrons/cm3; Te (microw.) 40 eV, Te (spectr.) 10–20 eV.

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