
An accurate method to measure the abundance of high-redshift galaxies involves the observation of absorbers along the line of sight towards a background quasar. Here, we present abundance measurements of 13 z≥ 3 sub-damped Lyman α (sub-DLA) systems (quasar absorbers with H i column density in the range 19 3. These new data, combined with other sub-DLA measurements from the literature, confirm the stronger evolution of metallicity with redshift for sub-DLAs than for the classical damped Lyman α absorbers. In addition, these observations are used to compute for the first time, using photoionization modelling in a sample of sub-DLAs, the fraction of gas that is ionized. Based on these results, we calculate that sub-DLAs contribute no more than 6 per cent of the expected amount of metals at z∼ 2.5. We therefore conclude that, even if sub-DLAs are found to be more metal-rich than classical DLAs, their contribution is insufficient to solve the so-called ‘missing-metals’ problem.

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