
Suppose that $\Sigma=\partial M$ is the $n$-dimensional boundary of a connected compact Riemannian spin manifold $( M,\langle\;,\;\rangle)$ with non-negative scalar curvature, and that the (inward) mean curvature $H$ of $\Sigma$ is positive. We show that the first eigenvalue of the Dirac operator of the boundary corresponding to the conformal metric $\langle\;,\;\rangle_H=H^2\langle\;,\;\rangle$ is at least $n/2$ and equality holds if and only if there exists a parallel spinor field on $ M$. As a consequence, if $\Sigma$ admits an isometric and isospin immersion $\phi$ with mean curvature $H_0$ as a hypersurface into another spin Riemannian manifold $ M_0$ admitting a parallel spinor field, then \begin{equation} \label{HoloIneq} \int_\Sigma H\,d\Sigma\le \int_\Sigma \frac{H^2_0}{H}\, d\Sigma \end{equation} and equality holds if and only if both immersions have the same shape operator. In this case, $\Sigma$ has to be also connected. In the special case where $M_0=\R^{n+1}$, equality in (\ref{HoloIneq}) implies that $M$ is an Euclidean domain and $\phi$ is congruent to the embedding of $\Sigma$ in $M$ as its boundary. We also prove that Inequality (\ref{HoloIneq}) implies the Positive Mass Theorem (PMT). Note that, using the PMT and the additional assumption that $\phi$ is a strictly convex embedding into the Euclidean space, Shi and Tam \cite{ST1} proved the integral inequality \begin{equation}\label{shi-tam-Ineq} \int_\Sigma H\,d\Sigma\le \int_\Sigma H_0\, d\Sigma, \end{equation} which is stronger than (\ref{HoloIneq}) .

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