
The fundamental strategy of the current postgenomic era or the era of functional genomics is to expand the scale of biologic research from studying single genes or proteins to studying all genes or proteins simultaneously using a systematic approach. As recently developed methods for obtaining genome-wide mRNA expression data, oligonucleotide and DNA microarrays are particularly powerful in the context of knowing the entire genome sequence and can provide a global view of changes in gene expression patterns in response to physiologic alterations or manipulation of transcriptional regulators. In biomedical research, such an approach will ultimately determine biologic behavior of both normal and diseased tissues, which may provide insights into disease mechanisms and identify novel markers and candidates for diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic intervention. However, microarray technology is still in a continuous state of evolution and development, and it may take time to implement microarrays as a routine medical device. Many limitations exist and many challenges remain to be achieved to help inclusion of microarrays in clinical medicine. In this review, a brief history of microarrays in biomedical research is provided, including experimental overview, limitations, challenges and future developments.

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