
AbstractThe histochemistry of developing connective tissues and its relation to early connective tissue fibrils was investigated in the perinotochordal area of the chick embryo. Chick embryos were sacrificed at one, two, three, four, six and ten days of incubation and were prepared for both light and electron microscopy. Five histochemical stains (PAS, alcian blue, Hale colloidal iron, metachromatic toluidine blue, methenamine silver) were used to demonstrate polysaccharides, mucoproteins and mucopolysaccharides. Mature connective tissue elements were demonstrated by Mallory's connective tissue stain and Weigert's resorcin‐fuchsin stain. Routine electron microscopic techniques served to demonstrate extracellular connective tissue fibrils.The first positive response for all histochemical stains occurs on the third day of incubation. Moderate microfibrillar growth precedes this by one day. Light microscopic staining patterns differ from electron microscopic fibrillar arrangements. In the perinotochordal area microfibrils later contribute to the cartilaginous model of the future vertebral body. By the sixth day, dense microfibrillar concentrations appear in the precartilage area where acid mucopolysaccharides are intensely concentrated. Staining for mature connective tissue fibrils does not occur until the tenth day.

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