
The supramolecular striatin-interacting phosphatases and kinases (STRIPAK) complex is conserved from yeast to human, and regulates a variety of key biological processes. In animals, this complex consists of the scaffold protein striatin, the protein phosphatase 2A, and kinases, such as germinal center kinase (GCK) III and GCKIV family members, as well as other associated proteins. The STRIPAK complex was identified as a negative regulator of the Hippo pathway, a large eukaryotic signaling network with a core composed of a GCK and a nuclear Dbf2-related kinase. The signaling architecture of the Hippo core resembles the fungal septation initiation network (SIN) that regulates cytokinesis in fission yeast as well as septation in filamentous fungi. In the filamentous model fungus Sordaria macrospora, core components of the STRIPAK complex have been functionally described and the striatin homolog PRO11 has been shown to interact with the GCK SmKIN3. However, the exact role of SmKIN3 in fungal development has not yet been fully elucidated. Here, we provide comprehensive genetic and functional analysis of SmKIN3 from S. macrospora. Using deletion mutants and site-directed mutagenesis, along with phenotypic and phylogenetic analysis, we provide compelling evidence that SmKIN3 is involved in fruiting body formation, hyphal fusion, and septation. Strains carrying the ATP-binding mutant SmKIN3K39R, as well as a double-deletion strain lacking SmKIN3 and the core STRIPAK subunit PRO11, also revealed severe developmental defects. Collectively, this study suggests that SmKIN3 links both the SIN and STRIPAK complex, thereby regulating multiple key cellular processes.

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