
In January 2005, my team and I launched a newGastrointestinal Endoscopy (GIE,)with a modern ‘‘look’’ and ‘‘feel,’’ and with many new electronic and printed features but with a single aim: to bring new knowledge to the world’s endoscopists and keep them excited about what they can do when using an endoscope to treat their patients. In January 2006, I am very pleased to share with you, readers and authors, our current state of affairs as a journal, what we have accomplished thus far, and where we are heading in the year to come. The word endoscopy derives from the Greek endo(within) and -scopy (vision) and implies the examination of the interior of a bodily organ or canal. The term could also be metaphorically used as a ‘‘look within,’’ an introspection on who we are and what we do with our mission as an editorial team for GIE. Although to an endoscopist, the term ‘‘high resolution’’ means the process of separating and reducing something to its constituent parts, like the resolution of light into its spectral colors, to us, metaphorically, ‘‘high resolution’’ means our state of firm determination to make GIE the premier, indispensable journal that every practicing endoscopist will seek, devour, and cherish month after month. Our role as an editorial team has been and will continue to be the careful and fair selection of new endoscopic knowledge, generated all over the world by curious practitioners and researchers, and the preparation of this material (in the form of text, images, or video clips) for the most succinct presentation. This process, which involves painful rejecting, cutting, deleting, omitting, combining, and splicing of the primary material, has to be carefully balanced to attain the elegance, clarity, and simplicity of a toothpick, while preserving the beauty, complexity, and phantasmagoria of a Christmas tree. We feel that the new GIE has accomplished this and has been welcomed by everyone, authors and readers alike. The next several paragraphs outline several key aspects of our year’s

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