
Abstract We present the high-resolution Parkfield matched filter relocated earthquake (PKD-MR) catalog for the 2004 Mw 6 Parkfield earthquake sequence in central California. We use high-quality seismic data recorded by the borehole High Resolution Seismic Network combined with matched filter detection and relocations from cross-correlation derived differential travel times. We determine the magnitudes of newly detected events by computing the amplitude ratio between the detections and templates using a principal component fit. The relocated catalog spans from 6 November 2003 to 28 March 2005 and contains 13,914 earthquakes, which is about three times the number of events listed in the Northern California Seismic Network catalog. Our results on the seismicity rate changes before the 2004 mainshock do not show clear precursory signals, although we find an increase in the seismic activity in the creeping section of the San Andreas fault (SAF) (about ∼30 km northwest of the mainshock epicenter) in the weeks prior to the mainshock. We also observe a decrease in the b-value parameter in the Gutenberg–Richter relationship in the creeping section in the weeks prior to the mainshock. Our results suggest stress is increasingly released seismically in the creeping section, accompanied by a decreasing aseismic creeping rate before the mainshock occurrence. However, b-value and seismicity rates remain stable in the Parkfield section where the 2004 mainshock ruptured. This updated catalog can be used to study the evolution of aftershocks and their relations to afterslip following the 2004 Parkfield mainshock, seismicity before the mainshock, and how external stresses interact with the Parkfield section of the SAF and the 2004 sequence.

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