
In this work, we present a high-performance and scalable architecture for isogeny-based cryptosystems. In particular, we use the architecture in a fast, constant-time FPGA implementation of the quantum-resistant supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) key exchange protocol. On a Virtex-7 FPGA, we show that our architecture is scalable by implementing at 83, 124, 168, and 252-bit quantum security levels. This is the first SIDH implementation at close to the 256-bit quantum security level to appear in literature. Further, our implementation completes the SIDH protocol 2 times faster than performance-optimized software implementations and 1.34 times faster than the previous best FPGA implementation, both running a similar set of formulas. Our implementation employs inversion-free projective isogeny formulas. By replicating multipliers and utilizing an efficient scheduling methodology, we can heavily parallelize quadratic extension field arithmetic and the isogeny evaluation stage of the large-degree isogeny computation. For a constant-time implementation of 124-bit quantum security SIDH on a Virtex-7 FPGA, we generate ephemeral public keys in 8.0 and 8.6 ms and generate the shared secret key in 7.1 and 7.9 ms for Alice and Bob, respectively. Finally, we show that this architecture could also be used to efficiently generate undeniable and digital signatures based on supersingular isogenies.

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