
Multiwire proportional counters (MWPCs) currently in use for synchrotron radiation diffraction offer unrivalled dynamic range and detection efficiency. Unfortunately they have, until recently, been somewhat limited in count rate performance and suffer from parallax problems with incoming photons at high angles of incidence. We report on the progress of a fast 2-D proportional counter detector for use on the beamlines at the Synchrotron Radiation source at Daresbury. It utilises a highly parallel data acquisition system in order to achieve photon counting rates in excess of 10 6 counts per second. This is coupled to a pressurised proportional counter to reduce the parallax errors. The detector will have a 200 mm by 200 mm active area and the system will yield a real spatial resolution of ∼ 200 μm (FWHM). A review of the system components is made, and a technique for further improving the performance is described.

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