
We present a highly efficient parallelization of the computation of the price of exotic cross-currency interest rate derivatives with path-dependent features via a Partial Differential Equation (PDE) approach. In particular, we focus on the parallel pricing on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) clusters of long-dated foreign exchange (FX) interest rate derivatives, namely Power-Reverse Dual-Currency (PRDC) swaps with FX Target Redemption (FX-TARN) features under a three-factor model. Challenges in pricing these derivatives via a PDE approach arise from the high-dimensionality of the model PDE, as well as from path-dependency of the FX-TARN feature. The PDE pricing framework for FX-TARN PRDC swaps is based on partitioning the pricing problem into several independent pricing sub-problems over each time period of the swap's tenor structure, with possible communication at the end of the time period. Finite difference methods on non-uniform grids are used for the spatial discretization of the PDE, and the Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) technique is employed for the time discretization. Our implementation of the pricing procedure on a GPU cluster involves (i) efficiently solving each independent sub-problems on a GPU via a parallelization of the ADI timestepping technique, and (ii) utilizing MPI for the communication between pricing processes at the end of the time period of the swap's tenor structure. Numerical results showing the efficiency of the parallel methods are provided.

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