
An integrated gradiometer system is presented, consisting of a single-layer high-temperaturesuperconductor dc superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) and two coils,realized on printed circuit boards. The coils compensate the homogeneous background field,thus allowing the gradiometer to be freely moved in the Earth’s magnetic field. Thegradiometer signal is not harmed by any additional noise introduced by the homogeneousfield compensation. Therefore, a noise-limited magnetic field gradient resolution of15 pT m−1 Hz−1/2 witha 1/f corner frequency of 2 Hz was achieved. This is preserved even after motion in the Earth’smagnetic field. Because of the small dimensions of the compensation coils, the gradiometersystem can also be used for non-destructive evaluation. Preliminary measurementswere performed by moving the SQUID across a workpiece, without any shielding.

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