
A unique combined and multi-disciplinary wavelength multiplexed spectrometer is described. It is furnished with high-sensitivity imaging plate detectors, the power to which can be gated to provide time-resolved data. The system is capable of collecting spectrally resolved luminescence data following X-ray excitation [radioluminescence (RL) or X-ray excited optical luminescence (XEOL)], electron irradiation [cathodoluminescence (CL)] and visible light from light emitting diodes (LEDs) [photoluminescence (PL)]. Time-resolved PL and CL data can be collected to provide lifetime estimates with half-lives from microsecond timeframes. There are temperature stages for the high and low temperature experiments providing temperature control from 20 to 673K. Combining irradiation, time resolved (TR) and TR-PL allows spectrally-resolved thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). The design of two detectors with matched gratings gives optimum sensitivity for the system. Examples which show the advantages and multi-use of the spectrometer are listed. Potential future experiments involving lifetime analysis as a function of irradiation, dose and temperature plus pump-probe experiments are discussed.

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