
Our system for cathodoluminescent studies incorporates two optical spectrometers for the near UV, visible, and IR regions; an optical system for cathodoluminescent imaging; an electron-beam deflection system; and a sample-stage cooler. The optical spectrometers are integrated with a Camebax electron probe microanalyzer. Cathodoluminescent spectrometers are substituted for the binocular viewer. They are similar in optical arrangement and differ only in their diffraction-grating parameters. The spectrometers have high spectral resolution (0.1 nm) and sensitivity, are compact (40 × 30 cm) and lightweight (5 kg), and may therefore be mounted directly on the microanalyzer column. The system is able to record spectra by modulating the electron beam and in the time-resolving mode, and to analyze changes in the intensity of emission bands with a time resolution as high as 2 μs. A photographic attachment is used to form an image (in natural colors) of the distribution of structuraldefects and other inhomogeneities in a sample with a magnification of 100 to 600 power. The use of a sample-stage cooler allows measurements to be made at temperatures ranging from 80 K to room temperature.

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