
Population figures are usually collected by national statistical institutes at small enumeration units (e.g. census tracts or building units). However, still for many countries in Europe, data are distributed at coarser geographical units like municipalities. This level of resolution is insufficient for analysis in many fields. In addition, the heterogeneity of the size of the geographical units causes great distortions in analysis, i.e. the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP). Dasymetric mapping techniques have long been applied world-wide to derive finer (and MAUP-free) depictions of the population distribution. These techniques disaggregate population figures reported at coarse source zones into a finer set of zones using ancillary geographical data. Previous attempts to map the European population at high resolution have used CORINE Land Cover (CLC) as the main source of ancillary data. In this article, we test new geographical datasets to produce an updated and improved European population grid map. It is tested whether using more detailed ancillary data in the dasymetric mapping significantly yields higher accuracies. As final outcome of this cartographic exercise, a European population grid map for the reference year of 2006, with a spatial resolution of 100 × 100 meters, is presented and validated against reference data. Resident population reported at commune level, a refined version of CLC and information on the soil sealing degree are used as the main inputs to produce the final map.

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