
The eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) provides numerous ecosystem services such as building reef habitat, clarifying the water by filtering seston, and reducing excess nitrogen when their biodeposits are denitrified. Some of these ecosystem services have been extensively studied using two-dimensional and three-dimensional (3D) models. Yet, the relationship between oyster abundance, their filtration and biodeposition rates, and associated water quality metrics has not been estimated with high-resolution models that include biodeposit resuspension as well as simulation of 3D processes in the sub-tributaries where oysters are abundant. To undertake these estimates, a 3D Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) framework, comprised of a coupled hydrodynamic-water quality model with an oyster filtration and biodeposition sub-model, was implemented over a fine-resolution model grid (120–150 m) of the Choptank River on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay, U.S.A. After validation with data from 20 cruises between May and September 2010, the model was used to predict seven variables associated with water quality in simulations with zero, recent, and 50x recent abundances of oysters. Results indicated that improvement in the seven water quality variables differed in response to the abundance of oysters and between regions in the Choptank River. In line with expectations, the water quality metrics improved with increasing oyster abundance in the shallow and retentive sub-tributaries of Broad and Harris Creeks. In contrast, in the deeper and more flushed mainstem of the Choptank River, some water quality metrics deteriorated when recent abundances of oysters were added to the model compared to the simulation with zero oysters and the same metrics improved when oyster abundances were increased by 50x. Overall, model results indicated that the many complex physical and biogeochemical processes that influence the effect of oysters on water quality resulted in differing responses to oysters across different systems. In addition, this study introduces a high-resolution, predictive tool that could be used to estimate the number of oysters needed to meet water quality thresholds in specific systems in support of ecosystem management.

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