
Fluorescence in situ hybridization with chromosome 6- and chromosome 7-specific probes was used to assess the extent of chromosome abnormalities in developing bovine blastocysts at 7-8 days after insemination in vivo or in vitro. Interphase nuclei (N = 10 946) were analyzed from 151 blastocysts produced in vitro and from 28 blastocysts recovered from superovulated animals. This revealed that 72% (109 of 151) of the in vitro-produced blastocysts were mixoploid, i.e., were a mixture of normal, diploid, and polyploid cells. However, only a small fraction of the total number of cells were chromosomally abnormal. Of the mixoploid blastocysts, 83% (91 of 109) contained less than 10% polyploid cells, 13% (14 of 109) contained 11-25% polyploid cells, and only 4% (4 of 109) of the blastocysts had more than 25% polyploid cells per blastocyst. In contrast, a significantly lower proportion (25%) of mixoploidy was found in 28 bovine blastocysts developed in vivo (p < 0.0001). All of the mixoploid blastocysts that had developed in vivo contained less than 10% polyploid cells. No entirely aneuploid blastocysts, i. e., blastocysts in which all cells had the same type of chromosome abnormality, were found in either of the groups. Taken together, the most common chromosome abnormalities observed were diploid-triploid mixoploidies and diploid-tetraploid mixoploidies. Thus, our results confirm earlier reports that morphologically normal bovine blastocysts developed in vivo are often mixoploids. We further show that in vitro-produced bovine blastocysts have a high rate of mixoploidy. Although the difference in mixoploidy rate detected in this study may not be general, it is an interesting phenomenon for further studies.

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