
Development and testing of a compact 200-kV, 10-kJ/s industrial-grade power supply for capacitor charging applications is described. Pulse repetition rate (PRR) can be from single shot to 250 Hz, depending on the storage capacitance. Energy dosing (ED) topology enables high efficiency at switching frequency of up to 55 kHz using standard slow IGBTs. Circuit simulation examples are given. They clearly show zero-current switching at variable frequency during the charge set by the ED governing equations. Peak power drawn from the primary source is about only 60% higher than the average power, which lowers the stress on the input rectifier. Insulation design was assisted by electrostatic field analyses. Field plots of the main transformer insulation illustrate field distribution and stresses in it. Subsystem and system tests were performed including limited insulation life test. A precision, high-impedance, fast HV divider was developed for measuring voltages up to 250 kV with risetime down to 10 μs. The charger was successfully tested with stored energy of up to 550 J at discharge via a custom designed open-air spark gap at PRR up to 20 Hz (in bursts). Future work will include testing at customer sites.

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