
This paper presents an enabling technology for high-efficiency fast-neutron detection for the Transient Reactor Test (TREAT) Facility hodoscope. The hodoscope is currently outfitted with 25.4-mm long Hornyak buttons for fast-neutron detection. However, they require improvements, as they suffer from low detection efficiency, Ĉerenkov radiation contaminating the signal, and non-linearity of detector response at large transients. To address these issues, a layered ZnS:Ag device has been constructed. The layered design provides various advantages: it incorporates greater scintillation volume, Ĉerenkov background is significantly reduced by eliminating the need for additional light guides, and the detection process is simplified by achieving gamma-ray rejection using only pulse-height discrimination. The result is a greater number of fast neutron counts with reduced background noise contaminating the signal. On being irradiated with a 252Cf source (whose neutron energy spectrum closely mimics a reactor fission spectrum), a 25.4-mm long layered device was found to exhibit an intrinsic fast-neutron detection efficiency of 8.1% for neutrons with an average energy of 2 MeV, while a 43-mm long device allows for a greater number of fast neutron to be detected, increasing the efficiency to 9.1%. Further lengthening of the device up to 20 cm has been numerically predicted to exhibit even higher efficiencies. The detectors can be mass-produced easily and inexpensively.

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