
Anatomical abnormalities such as unusual bifurcations or aberrant arteries of the radial artery are extremely rare and due to malformation or disruption of the vascular net. We present a case of a 64year old woman with a high bifurcated dorsal branch of the left radial artery, consulting us for a pulsatile mass in the anatomical snuffbox after a fall. The mass measured 3-4mm in diameter and was located on the dorsal aspect of the wrist over the anatomical snuffbox. Primary imaging studies using Duplex Ultrasound suggested an aneurysm of the radial artery, further imaging with arteriogram revealed a high bifurcation of the dorsal branch of the radial artery, presenting with an aneurysm. The deep palmar branch of the ulnar artery was the dominating vessel, allowing ligation and excision of the aneurysm. Histological evaluation revealed intimal wall hyperplasia within the aneurysm, suggesting an injury as initiating factor. A review of the literature showed that this abnormality of high bifurcation of the dorsal palmar branch of the radial artery has not been previously reported. Management of aneurysms at the wrist is discussed.

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