
In the present work high density helicon plasma discharges are created and characterized as a promising concept towards the realization of plasma wakefield accelerators to build up electric fields in the order of GV/m to accelerate electrons to energies in the TeV range with proton driving bunches. For such a concept plasma sources are needed that are able to maintain discharges with plasma densities of n_e = 7E20 m^-3 over long distances with a low variation in plasma density. Measurements at the PROMETHEUS-A device are performed for variable parameters, like magnetic induction, RF heating power and filling gas pressure. A CO2 laser interferometer, a laser induced fluorescence (LIF) diagnostic and a reaction rate model are combined to give a full picture. It is shown that in most cases the plasma density is centrally peaked with a high density region +- 5 mm from the center. The peak plasma density increases with increasing filling gas pressure, RF heating power and magnetic induction, limited by the number of neutral particles in low pressure discharges, by the transferred heating power and the increasing recombination and electron quenching rates of argon ions in high filling pressure cases. The increase in plasma density with increasing magnetic induction correlates to the direct proportionality in the helicon dispersion relation. For all investigated operational parameters the time evolution of the helicon discharge shows the same characteristics and is reliably reproducable inside the error bars. The electron temperature is determined by combining the collisional radiative model with line ratio measurements of two spontaneously emitted LIF lines. The low electron temperature regime of 1.2 eV < T_e < 1.4 eV and the electron temperature profiles are consistent with helicon wave heating via collisional power dissipation. The maximum plasma density of n_e = (6 +- 1)E20 m^-3 is measured at high RF power of P_RF = 24 kW, p_0 = 9 Pa filling gas pressure and a magnetic induction of B = 105 mT with a maximum electron temperature at 1.4 eV. At these operational parameters the plasma density peaking time and width are determined to be 270E-6 s and 50E-6 s, respectively. This shows that specific plasma density requirements for the use of a wakefield accelerator are reachable and the duration of the peak plasma density is more than sufficient for a relativistic particle to pass a 1 km long plasma cell. Additionally time-resolved LIF profile measurements for neutral and singly ionized argon were conducted to complement the previously evaluated measurements. The time resolution of the LIF diagnostic was chosen in a way to adequately represent the evolution of densities and to allow full profile measurements over one day. A resolution of 200E-6 s was chosen. The time-resolved neutral and ion metastable densities show hollow profiles with high densities at the edges over the first ms indicating higher ionization levels and increasing electron quenching rates. The metastable densities are highly determined by electron temperature, RF heating power and filling neutral gas pressure and do not reflect the neutral argon evolution. To investigate the influence of neutral depletion on the density evolution and maximum plasma density, the argon neutral and ion ground state densities are determined. Both time-resolved density profiles show a hollow profile with highest densities at the edges over a longer time interval of 3-4 ms. The penetration depths (ionization mean-free paths) indicate increased ionization of neutral argon while dissipating inwards, corresponding well to the theoretical value of lambda = 20 mm. This results in a depletion of neutrals in the center of the discharge, leading to a limitation and a fast decrease of plasma density after the neutrals are partially ionized. The shown refilling effect of neutral argon is too slow to have an important impact. At operation parameters for highest plasma density, the calculated ground states also show a fast increase in density at the end of the discharge after the RF-heating is switched off. This indicates recombination effects to these atomic states and higher ionization levels than ArII in the helicon discharge.

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