
Myo1c is a member of the myosin superfamily that has been proposed to function as the adaptation motor in vestibular and auditory hair cells. A recent study identified a myo1c point mutation (R156W) in a person with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. This mutation is located at the start of the highly conserved switch-1 region, which is a crucial element for the binding of nucleotide. We characterized the key steps on the ATPase pathway at 37oC using recombinant wild-type (myo1c3IQ) and mutant myo1c (R156W-myo1c3IQ) constructs that consist of the motor domain and three IQ motifs. The R156W mutation only moderately affects the rates of ATP binding, ATP-induced actomyosin dissociation, and ADP release. The actin-activated ATPase rate of the mutant is inhibited > 4-fold, which is likely due to a decrease in the rate of phosphate release. The rate of actin gliding, as measured by the in vitro motility assay, is unaffected by the mutation at high myosin surface densities, but actin gliding is substantially reduced at low surface densities of R156W-myo1c3IQ. We used a frictional-loading assay to measure the affect of resisting forces on the rate of actin gliding and found that R156W-myo1c3IQ is less force sensitive than myo1c3IQ. Taken together, these results indicate that myo1c with the R156W mutation has a lower duty ratio than the wild-type protein, and it has motile properties that are less sensitive to resisting forces.

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