
The mental health and wellbeing of university students has become a more prominent issue in recent decades. Various factors contribute to student mental health challenges, such as developmental transitions, belonging to equity groups, and specific fields of study. As universities prioritise student mental health and wellbeing, there is a need for resources and training to enhance the ability of professional and academic staff to provide appropriate support. To build staff capacity and confidence in recognising and responding to students experiencing psychological distress, a regional Australian university developed a health and wellbeing toolkit. The toolkit provides information and resources on various topics, including identifying warning signs, managing mental health conditions, responding to disclosures of harassment or assault, and implementing inclusive learning environments. The toolkit will continue to evolve based on staff and student feedback and usage. It is fostering a shared understanding of the role all staff can play in supporting student mental health and wellbeing, as part of a broader university strategy to maintain mentally healthy campuses. By providing a comprehensive yet easy to use resource, the toolkit is a significant advancement in the University’s efforts to equip all staff to support the mental health and wellbeing of students.

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