
My research theme is located at the cross-section of the fields of pedagogical theory (didactics), technology, applied informatics, and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). My primary objective is the design and implementation of a digital online surface reflecting contemporary learning principles, perspectives, devices and trends while enhancing the selection of existing web-based systems and applications in a novel fashion. Said goal will be realized via Action Research and Design-Based Research methods in addition to the theoretical and empirical inquiry. Accordingly, with the aim of providing assistance to fulfilling education and administration related tasks to instructors without a background in informatics and computer science in mind I designed and implemented a web-surface titled Tanítlap. Said instruction portal framework system will provide access to educational support materials and information for learners without spatial and temporal restrictions via a flexible, easy to use surface. My research effort covered three main areas: (1.) the exploration of the crucial characteristics of contemporary state of the art web-based technologies and electronic environments providing support for the learning process along with examining the latest teaching and learning principles and trends (2.) the formation of the conceptual basis for an instructor portal reflecting appropriate learning trends and system design principles and technologies; (3.) the development of a didactically sound, ergonomically appropriate and easy to use and flexible web surface. The abovementioned objectives were realized according to a schedule whose components are reflected in the chapters of my dissertation: 0. Survey of relevant professional texts 1. Assessment of preliminary needs, 2. System design, 3. System development, 4. System control, 5. Web ergonomic examinations, 6. Effectiveness test. The survey of the relevant professional literature covered three fields, pedagogy, human-computer interaction, and portal construction. I forwarded three main theses: one each in the fields of system design, system development, and system control respectively. The specific hypotheses are related to the Assessment of preliminary needs, Web ergonomic examinations and Effectiveness tests phases. I relied on the qualitative method during the Survey of the relevant professional texts phase, and I performed quantitative statistical analyses in the Assessment of preliminary needs and the Effectiveness tests phases with the help of the SPSS 17 software. I used two questionnaires during the last two research phases, one for the measuring of students’ opinions and views and one for that of instructors. I processed altogether four questionnaires during my research effort. The System design, System development, and System control phases were implemented by Design-Based Research, while the total research program was carried out within the framework of Action Research. Moreover, I performed Usability Tests supported by eye movement tracking devices along with carrying out log file analyses. The development of the system served three purposes: ascertaining the viability and appropriateness of the concept of the self-developed instructor portal, the implementation of Action research goals, and providing a real usable device yielding practical results in addition to advancing theories for instructors and learners. The portal can be used during the teaching and learning process on an everyday basis as it provides appropriate background and support for the implementation of modern learning methods and principles. My research effort resulted in the compilation of the most important guiding principles and methods in the field of pedagogy and HCI playing a defining role in the design and implementation of electronic learning environments. I created a conceptual plan for an instructor portal framework system, which could be helpful for educators, informatics professionals and all experts involved in the field of education. Furthermore, I developed a tested and controlled flexible instructor portal system that can be used free of charge in the higher education arena. I hope my dissertation and my personal commitment will underline the need for and reiterate the importance of usability tests and obstacle free accessibility in case of web surfaces supporting the teaching and learning process.

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