
A 63-year-old male, previously treated for a ureteral tumour by a right-sided segmental ureterectomy and end-to-end anastomosis of ureteral segments, was referred to our clinic for endoscopic follow-up. During his follow-up, he was diagnosed with partial right-sided ureteral stricture which eventually progressed to complete obstruction. During the ureteroscopy, as the stenotic segment did not allow passage of an hydrophilic guidewire, an antegrade-retrograde approach was decided. On the antegrade endoscopic view, a near-complete stenosis was diagnosed and a nephrostomy catheter (12 Fr) was placed. A second intervention was planned and from the nephrostomy tract, the ureteroscope was placed into the right pyelocaliceal system. The diagnostic ureteroscopy revealed a foreign object proximal to the stenotic area. Right-sided segmental ureterectomy of the stenotic segment with ureteroneocystostomy and removal of the foreign object was performed. This is the only case in literature to reveal a guidewire introducer as a ureteral foreign body. This case also highlights the importance of the fragility of the ureter, the importance of the equipment, of always being watchful during a surgery, and the importance of checking the integrity of the equipment at the end of each procedure.

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