
Abstract Here is the bible for oral history practitioners on all the legal aspects of their field, an essential volume for students, amateur historians, genealogists, and professionals alike, written by a leading authority. A Guide to Oral History and the Law not only presents and discusses all of the areas of law that are relevant to oral history, from copyright through defamation, but emphasizes how and when these areas intersect and overlap. It also explains how and why the Oral History Association's code of ethics provides the best foundation for the legally sound practice of oral history. Because the book is designed for non-lawyers, special effort has been taken to avoid overly legalistic discussions of important legal concepts. The cases used to illustrate key legal issues were also chosen primarily because they were most likely to foster the greatest understanding among the uninitiated. Readers are also provided with many examples of procedures, policies, and forms that are currently being utilized by oral history programs that may provide helpful guidance.

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