
This volume is one of several in the series Clinical Cardiology Monographs published by Grune & Stratton, Inc, New York. The authors, who have contributed substantially to our understanding for mechanisms of cardiac dysrhythmias in children, have written a field guide for recognition of common cardiac dysrhythmias in children. They present a sequential method of analysis of the ECG that is clear, logical, and concise. Unlike many other presentations that discuss disorders of cardiac impulse formation and impulse conduction, this treatment begins with analysis of the ventricular (QRS) rate, rhythmicity, and shape (aberration). Drawings of the individual ECG patterns are presented in a second section of the book. The final section consists of actual ECG tracings accompanied by a short history and interpretation. Guidelines for possible treatment of specific arrhythmias are also included. I had great difficulty knowing just how to review this book. It is not that the information

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