
THE BOARD of Directors of the Oregon Heart Association decided that a program aimed at the prevention of overweight could conceivably have an important part in the reduction of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. The task of planning and conducting such a program was given to the Community Service and Public Education Committee of the Association. As program director of the Heart Association, the author was authorized to plan and administer the program. Because the problem of obesity concerned many organizations and professions, a Weight Control Committee composed of representatives from the following disciplines was formed: medicine, including internists, a psychiatrist, and a public health officer; nursing; public health education; dietetics; nqtrition; psychology; sociology; home economics; and insurance. These disciplines represented the following agencies and organizations: the State University Medical School, State Medical Society, State Health Department, State Dairy Council, hospitals, Agriculture Extension Service, Visiting Nurses Association, insurance companies, and a volunteer health agency. One of the first tasks of the newly formed committee was to study and evaluate similar programs. After careful study it was the decision of the committee to follow the approach used at Herrick Memorial Hospital, Berkeley, Calif.1-3 After several meetings over a sixmonth period, the committee decided to conduct a pilot study first in the Portland area. It was agreed that if this study proved to have merit, the next step would be to carry the project to selected areas in the state. An outline of -the project was presented to the State and County Medical Societies and approved. A committee of internists was then appointed to supervise the project. Participants for the first group were recruited through a letter sent to all Portland physicians. The letter described in detail the proposed program and requested referral of patients to the classes. About 10 per cent of the physicians responded. From these referrals 12 participants were selected. Selection of participants was based on the following criteria:

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