
AbstractWe demonstrate the application of a grid infrastructure for conducting text mining over distributed data and computational resources. The approach is based on using LexiQuest Mine, a text mining workbench, in a grid computing environment. We describe our architecture and approach and provide an illustrative example of mining full-text journal articles to create a knowledge base of gene relations. The number of patterns found increased from 0.74 per full-text articles from a corpus of 1000 articles to 0.83 when the corpus contained 5000 articles. However, it was also shown that mining a corpus of 5000 full-text articles took 26 hours on a single computer, whilst the process was completed in less than 2.5 hours on a grid comprising of 20 computers. Thus whilst increasing the size of the corpus improved the efficiency of the text-mining process, a grid infrastructure was required to complete the task in a timely manner.KeywordsNatural Language ProcessingSingle MachineText MiningGrid InfrastructureVirtual InfrastructureThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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