
Lakeside tourism on the southern shore of Lake Balaton came to life in the 1880s. High water levels of Lake Balaton and swamps near the lake have prohibited the growth of tourism. The construction of the railway (1861) and the Sio flood gate (1863) gave opportunities for a step forward. Large estate owners around the southern shores played a major role in the development of tourism. In this study we examine the beginnings. Count Imre Hunyady, owner of the estate of Kethely and Balatonszemes was the first one who built a summer house in Balatonbereny and a nice park next to it. Count Hunyady played an active role in the development of Bereny and Szemes too. He subdivided the lands on the shores in order to have villas built on them. He also had a port constructed for his own steam boat in Balatonbereny and it was used as an excursion ship to attract paying customers. He also had trees planted on the shores. As a result of his efforts a significant resort came to life in the villages in just two decades which attracted many entrepreneurs. Hotels, inns, restaurants and pensions were built on the shores. Most of the customers arrived from Budapest, Marcali and Nagykanizsa. For the rural peasant communities hosting guests was a new source of income. The development of tourism required more supplies. Vegetable farms belonging to the Count’s estates supplied fruits and vegetables, the butchery of the estate provided the meat and wine came from the vineries of the Count too. A great step ahead was the foundation of civil bathing associations which managed these settlements in the beginning of the twentieth century.

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