
Introduction: “Webster describes resilience as “a strained body’s ability to regain its size and shapeafter deformation caused especially by Occlusion stress”. Resilience can be described as, “the processof adjusting well in the face of adversity, trauma, catastrophe, threats or even major sources ofstress”. Background Of The Study: There is indeed an increasing interest in research to explore whycertain nursing students can manage well, but when they all face similar issues and challenges duringtheir course, others cannot. Current studies have found that resilience in graduate student nurses isstrongly related to academic success. Need For The Study:A Positive teaching strategy must thereforebe created to promote student resilience. This report would also put further more effort to examine theassociation between resilience and well-being among student nurses. Aim: To assess the psychologicalresilience among different years of nursing students at selected nursing college. Methodology:Descriptive cross sectional research design. The samples were selected randomly by lottery methodand were advised to fill the questionnaires consisting of two sections demographic variables such asage, sex, medium of instruction, background, type of family, religion, class batch, living, bread winnerof the family and marital status and regarding the psychological resilience (Modified Connor DavidsonResilience Scale) Findings: According to the findings of the study, among the undergraduate nursingstudents 80(53.3%) of students had high resilience whereas 6(4.0%) had low resilience and 64(42.7%)had moderate resilience. On comparison, the nursing students of different years showed that the levelof psychological resilience is high 27(58.7%) among third year students and low resilience is assessedamong 3(2.0%) final years students. The demographic variables had shown statistically no significantassociation with level of psychological resilience among undergraduate nursing students. A booklet on“I am a Resilient Person” was issued among the participants.

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