
ACM Special Interest Group on Hypertext and the Web (ACM SIGWEB) is a community of researchers and supporting organization of seven conferences primarily focusing on the World Wide Web, document engineering, digital libraries and linked media oriented researches. ACM SIGWEB group covers a variety of topics related to hypertext, hypermedia, social networks, information retrieval and web science. In this paper, we present a bibliometric analysis of the scientific publications and corresponding ACM metadata (also published as a research output) of seven conferences sponsored by ACM SIGWEB. We perform an exploratory data analysis on bibliography database and analyze several years of publication data (since the year of conference started until September 2015) of these conferences. We propose 5 research questions across various facets such as number of publications, authors and affiliation participation and conduct a statistical analysis of DBLP records and ACM metadata to answer those questions. Our results reveal that new SIGWEB conferences (started in or after year 2000) are growing much faster in terms of number of publications, authors and affiliation participation across various regions of world. We also find that HT, despite being the oldest SIGWEB conference the rate of number submissions received are relatively less in comparison to WSDM (new SIGWEB conference). Our analysis also reveals that CIKM is the most leading SIGWEB conference.

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