
The geological map and database are derived from regional mapping in the Dendale Lake (NTS 95C/15) 1:50 000 scale map area, as part of the Geological Survey of Canada's Central Foreland NATMAP project. Geological features represented by attributed points, lines, and polygons have been compiled into a GIS dataset suitable for stand-alone use, or integration with other data sets. User-defined attributes provide traditional geological map information with greater detail and enhancements such as explicit orientation data, and lithologies. The Dendale Lake map area is situated at the southern end of the Franklin Mountains in a foothills physiographic setting. The map pattern in the area is dominated by a broad syncline centered over the La Biche River and rising to the east and west into structurally imbricated anticlinal features. The syncline preserves sedimentary strata of Early Cretaceous age, while the anticlines expose strata of Late Devonian to Permian age. Fold trends in the area vary from southeast through south to southwest, and locally interfere with each other. Foreland and hinterland verging thrust faults associated with the anticlinal features juxtapose the Devonian and Carboniferous strata. The type section of the Lower Cretaceous Chinkeh Formation is located in the southeast corner of the map area on a tributary to the La Biche River.

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