
Growth ledges are commonly observed on interphase boundaries during diffusional phase transformations and are of great importance for understanding inter-sheet spacing of interphase precipitates. A simple model based on Gibbs Energy Balance (GEB) for describing growth kinetics via diffusional growth-ledges of height λ is presented for the case of ferrite growth into austenite. The model is validated against the case of austenite to ferrite transformation involving interphase precipitation in a V, Mn, Si alloyed HSLA steel where, λ is assumed to be equal to the inter-sheet spacing of interphase carbide precipitates. The presented model provides a computationally efficient and versatile method for predicting the ledge height, λ, and the growth kinetics of ferrite from initial nucleation through to final soft impingement considering the evolution of solute drag at growth ledge risers. It is suggested that the intrinsic mobility of growth ledge risers is: M_{m}^{aR} = 0.58(exp\frac{-140x10^{3}{RT})mmol.J^{-1}s^{-1}, with R the gas constant and T the absolute temperature in K.

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