
(Aims) We present a physical model of the formation of J033239.72-275154.7, a galaxy observed at z=0.41 and characterized by a big young bar of size 6 kpc. The study of this system is particularly interesting for understanding the connection between mergers and bars as well as the properties and fate of this system as it relates to disk galaxy formation. (Methods) We compare the morphological and kinematic properties of J033239.72-275154.7, the latter obtained by the GIRAFFE spectrograph, to those derived from the merger of two spiral galaxies described by idealized N-body simulations including a star formation prescription. (Results) We found that the general morphological shape and most of the dynamical properties of the object can be well reproduced by a model in which the satellite is initially put in a retrograde orbit and the mass ratio of the system is 1:3. In such a scenario, a bar forms in the host galaxy after the first passage of the satellite where an important fraction of available gas is consumed in an induced burst. In its later evolution, however, we find that J033239.72-275154.7, whose major progenitor was an Sab galaxy, will probably become a S0 galaxy. This is mainly due to the violent relaxation and the angular momentum loss experienced by the host galaxy during the merger process, which is caused by the adopted orbital parameters. This result suggests that the building of the Hubble sequence is significantly influenced by the last major collision. In the present case, the merger leads to a severe damage of the disk of the progenitor, leading to an evolution towards a more bulge dominated galaxy.

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