
International migration is a well known phenomenon all over the world. Albania, a small country on Southeastern Europe’s Balkan Peninsula, has been no exception to experiencing both emigration and immigration. Based on information gathered form INSTAT, Institute of Statistics Albania, migration has been observed to have far larger numbers than immigration for this country, based on information gathered since the year 1990 when the transition from communist regime to a democratic country began. One of the countries where Albanians have immigrated and settled with their families is Canada. The focus of this study is to research, develop and implement a geospatial agent based model to simulate the process of settling in a new location for Albanian immigrants in Canada. Data gathered is based on Canadian Census for households and languages spoken at home particularly Albanian language. This model is implemented using NetLogo with real geospatial datasets. The proposed model has the potential to be used as part of the planning process by the Albanian State Minister for Diaspora, whose mission is to promote and strengthen the overall cooperation between the Albanian communities living outside of the Republic of Albania and the host countries, in every aspect. Keywords: Geospatial, Agent based model, Immigration, Albanians, Canada. DOI: 10.7176/JSTR/7-07-01

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